第一部分“昆虫总动员 科技创未来”:9月29日校会课上一至五年级全体师生欢聚在多功能厅,围绕影片《昆虫总动员》开展观看影片、讨论交流、小报创编活动,从生物、生态、环境的角度培养学生的科学意识。我们期待国庆长假后同学们带着精彩的小报作品归来,让科学之花在我们心中深根发芽。
第二部分“庆中华70华诞 自古英雄出少年”:9月30日一早,国际部师生统一穿着礼服,迎着朝阳在操场举行隆重的升旗仪式,师生们用嘹亮的歌声、挺拔的身姿、专注的注目礼迎接中华人民国国旗的冉冉升起,仪式上朱晓红老师向全校师生介绍了“中华人民共和国国家勋章和国家荣誉称号颁授仪式”,向师生介绍了为中国建设和发展建立了卓越功勋的杰出人士和为促进中外交流合作作出杰出贡献的国际友人,朱老师说:这些杰出人士和国际友人都是我们要学习的英雄模范,我们要学习他们身上的忠诚、执着、朴实的品格,我们也要学习他们对中国人民的友好、支持和帮助,让我们一起努力向英雄学习,努力实践自古英雄出少年。
On the day of welcoming the 70th anniversary of the birth of
the People's Republic of China, the activities themed ‘Science
and Technology for the Future, Heroes out of Youth’ are carried
out in SESID. It has two parts.
The first part is about insects and science. All the teachers and
students gathered together to watch the movie ‘Minuscul’ at school
auditorium on September 29th. We also carried out activities about
film watching, discussing, and tabloid creation. Students’
scientific awareness has been raised by biological, ecological,
environmental point of view.
The second part is ‘Celebrating the 70th birthday of China’. On
September 30th, we held a grand flag-raising ceremony. Teachers and
students dressed in school uniform, faced the sun and sang the national
anthem of People's Republic of China on the playground.
At the ceremony, Ms. Zhu Xiaohong introduced the ‘National Medal
of the People's Republic of China and the National Honor Ceremony"
to all the teachers and students, and introduced the distinguished
people who have made outstanding achievements in China's
construction and development and international friends who have
made outstanding contributions to the promotion of exchange and
cooperation between China and foreign countries.Zhu said: These
outstanding people and inter