作者:钱晶蕊 来源:上海市实验学校 日期:2025-02-19561

新学期伊始,校园被暖阳温柔包裹,嫩绿的新芽在枝头悄然探出头,似在好奇打量着新学期的新气象。伴随着初春的脚步,上海市实验学校国际部浦西校区的师生精神抖擞地走进美丽、洁净的校园,沉寂了一个寒假的校园又处处洋溢着生机。2025217日,一场以 灵蛇悦动·活力绽放为主题的开学典礼奏响了新学期的乐章,为全体师生开启了充满无限可能的新征程。







榜样的力量如璀璨星光,照亮大家前行的道路。在上海市实验学校2024年度评选中,3班的罗莀安同学荣获 最有影响力学生称号;四1班沈小菁妈妈获评 上实好家长;四年级陈紫善、陈紫柔家庭被评为 上实好家庭。他们是大家学习的榜样,激励着全体师生共同奋进。


寒假期间,亚洲冬季运动会精彩纷呈。谢老师准备了一场有趣的 世界体育知多少问答活动。同学们积极踊跃参与,展现出丰富的体育知识储备,现场气氛热烈非凡。本学期正是学校四节中的体育节,相信同学们也会在体育节中展现出自己最积极的表现。





With the footsteps of early spring, the teachers and students of SESID energetically stepped into the beautiful and clean campus. The campus, which had been silent for a winter vacation, is once again filled with vitality everywhere. On February 17, 2025, the opening ceremony played the inspiring movement of the new semester, kicking off a new journey full of infinite possibilities for all teachers and students.


Early in the morning, the campus was bustling with activity. The members of the drum band played an enthusiastic rhythm. The students left their names on the carefully designed "little snake", marking the start of their new semester. Everyone also selected lucky bookmarks filled with blessings for the new semester.


The opening ceremony kicked off with the passionate and cheerful guzheng piece. The lively notes instantly ignited the atmosphere at the scene, as if agile snakes were dancing under the warm spring sun, brimming with vitality.

In the SES New Year video, the students saw familiar teachers and campus scenes and felt the vitality and enthusiasm of the teachers.

Standing at the starting point of the new semester, Teacher Chen Hui, Deputy Secretary of the School Party Committee, delivered a warm and powerful message for the new semester. His words were full of earnest expectations for the students, encouraging them to study hard and make continuous progress in the new semester.

The power of a role model is like a shining star, illuminating the way forward. In the 2024 annual selection of Shanghai Experimental School, Luo Chen'an from Class 3, Grade 4, won the title of "The Most Influential Student"; Shen Xiaojing's mother from Class 1, Grade 4, was awarded the title of "Outstanding Parent of Shanghai Experimental School"; and the families of Chen Zishan and Chen Zirou from Grade 4 were named "Outstanding Families of Shanghai Experimental School". They are role models for everyone to learn from, inspiring all teachers and students to strive forward together.

Parents are the strong backing for the students' growth. Luo Chen'an's father shared his educational insights and words of encouragement for the students in a humorous way, wishing the children to have a sparkle in their eyes and dreams in their hearts and to carry the great power to change the world in their small backpacks.

During the winter vacation, the Asian Winter Games were full of wonderful moments. Teacher Joyce prepared an interesting quiz activity. The students actively participated, showing a rich reserve of sports knowledge, and the atmosphere at the scene was extremely lively. We will have Sports Festival this semester. It is believed that the students will show their most positive performance in the Sports Festival.


After the opening ceremony, the students went to the playground and started the fun "Snake" game. Everyone enjoyed the joy of sports, and the playground was filled with laughter and cheers.

After the game, the first-grade students eagerly released the balloons in their hands into the blue sky. The colorful balloons, carrying their boundless longings and beautiful aspirations for the new semester, flew toward the vast expanse of the sky.  

The bugle of the new semester has been sounded. All the teachers and students of SESID will move forward with full vitality and hope, and shine their brilliance in the new semester! May the students make progress in their studies, grow healthily, keep exploring the unknown, and realize their dreams in the new year!