作者:钱晶蕊 来源:上海市实验学校 日期:2024-12-121814

在这书韵飘香的校园里,一场别开生面的图书馆分年级好书分享活动如火如荼的进行着。此次活动由我校图书馆精心筹备,以 “书香满校园,阅读伴成长” 为主题,在为期两个月的活动过程中,分年级开展不同主题的阅读分享活动。旨在引导学生畅游书海,培养阅读习惯,提升素养,让阅读成为校园风尚。


In the campus filled with the charm of books, a unique reading-sharing activity is in full swing in the school library.It aims to guide students to immerse themselves in the ocean of books, cultivate reading habits, and make reading a campus fashion.



10 月 16 日周三,五年级学生率先开启了 “责任担当” 好书分享会。他们以独特视角分享《我是你的隐形朋友》、《冬天住在长白山上的日子》、《Wonder》和《倩达的秘密》等书籍。同学们依次向听众们讲述了书中故事,有的分享《Wonder》中主人公面对自身缺陷却勇敢追求友谊和梦想的经历,让大家领悟到爱与包容的力量;有的从《冬天住在长白山上的日子》描绘的东北山林生活,探讨人与自然的和谐共生以及生命的坚韧。台上讲得投入,台下听得专注,现场互动频繁,气氛热烈。


On Wednesday, October 16th, the fifth-grade students took the lead in opening the good book recommendation session about "Responsibility and Commitment". They shared books such as I'm Your Invisible Friend, The Days of Living on Changbai Mountain in Winter, Wonder, and The Secret of Chanda from unique perspectives. Some shared the experience of the protagonist in Wonder who bravely pursued friendship and dreams despite his own flaws, allowing everyone to understand the power of love. Some discussed the harmonious coexistence between humans and nature in Changbai Mountain. There were frequent interactions on the spot, and the atmosphere was lively.


10 月 24 日周四,四年级学生围绕 “爱与生命” 主题展开分享。他们推荐的《Horrible Science》以幽默、生动方式科普科学知识,激发同学们对科学探索的热情;《金羊毛的故事》和《Peter Pan》则从神话与童话角度,讲述英雄的责任与成长、青春的美好与担当。同学们精心准备了PPT,结合自身理解畅谈感悟。在场的同学们不仅收获了科学知识,也从故事中体会到了生活中的爱与美好。

On Thursday, October 24th, the fourth-grade students launched sharing around the theme of "Love and Life". The Horrible Science they recommended popularized scientific knowledge in a humorous and vivid way. The Story of the Golden Fleece and Peter Pan told the responsibilities and growth of heroes and the beauty and responsibility of youth from the perspectives of mythology and fairy tales. The students carefully prepared their presentation and talked freely about their insights based on their own understanding.



11 月 7 日,三年级的 “感恩所有” 好书分享会如期举行。同学们精心挑选书本、专注分享阅读体验,活动现场热闹非凡。三年级的好书分享聚焦于成长与感恩。其中《小屁孩日记》以孩子视角记录校园生活点滴,分享者的讲述让同学们回忆起自己的校园趣事,引发共鸣;《How to train your dragon》讲述男孩与龙的友情,传递勇敢和感恩的力量;《柳林风声》中动物们的友谊故事则让大家感受到友情的珍贵与美好。

On November 7th, the third-grade "Gratitude for All" good book sharing session was held as scheduled. The students carefully selected books and focused on sharing their reading experiences. The Diary of a Wimpy Kid recorded the bits and pieces of campus life from the perspective of a child. The narrator's telling made the students recall their own interesting campus stories. How to Train Your Dragon told the friendship between a boy and a dragon, conveying the power of bravery and gratitude. The friendship story of the animals in The Wind in the Willows made everyone feel the preciousness and beauty of friendship.



11 月 21日,二年级学生带来 “智慧之光” 主题分享。《小王子》的哲理故事让大家思考人生真谛;《和爸妈游中国》带领大家领略了祖国的大好河山,分享的同学如数家珍地介绍着各地的名胜古迹,激发了同学们对祖国的热爱之情;分享活动中《小王子》再次登场,不同学生从不同角度解读,碰撞出思维火花。在讲述中,他们仿佛化身小王子,在各个星球间穿梭,探寻人性的美好。

On November 21st, the second-grade students brought sharing with the theme of "The Light of Wisdom". The philosophical story of The Little Prince made everyone think about the true meaning of life. Traveling in China with Parents led everyone to appreciate the magnificent landscapes of the motherland. Different students interpreted The Little Prince from different angles, sparking the collision of thoughts.



12 月 5 日,一年级的同学们开展了 “爱的种子” 好书分享会。一年级的同学们把有趣的视频与自己的阅读感悟相结合,开展了别具特色的分享活动。《小布头奇遇记》中布娃娃的冒险故事吸引众人;《Decibella》的分享则充满童趣,孩子们一起模仿书中角色的可爱动作,引得台下欢笑阵阵。《勇敢做自己》更是激励着小朋友们要相信自己,在分享过程中,他们眼中闪烁着对未来充满期待的光芒。

On December 5th, the school library held the "The Seed of Love" good book sharing session of G1. The first-grade students prepared interesting videos and combined them with their own reading insights to carry out a distinctive sharing activity. The adventure story of the cloth doll in The Adventures of Little Cloth Head attracted everyone. The sharing of Decibella was full of childishness. The children imitated the lovely actions of the characters in the book together, causing bursts of laughter from the audience. Be Yourself inspired the children to believe in themselves.




After the book-recommendation activity, the students all said that they had gained a lot. The junior students became more interested in reading, while the senior students got exercise in thinking and expression. In the future, we look forward to more reading activities in our school library so that the fragrance of books can permeate every corner of the campus.