科学课堂“趣”活动 点燃探索“心”引擎 趣启1-3年级科学之旅
作者:钱晶蕊 来源:上海市实验学校 日期:2024-12-041313


Rich scientific activities and challenging scientific inquiries have broadened the horizons of students. Each time they explore the mysteries of science, it continuously stimulates their unprecedented enthusiasm for scientific exploration.


在科学活动中,亲身体验, 动手实践,激发了同学们的学习兴趣,帮助同学们更好地理解抽象的科学概念。

In scientific activities, personal experiences and hands-on practices have stimulated students' interest in learning and helped them better understand abstract scientific concepts.

Part 1: 二年级科学课上,同学们用积木和纸板搭建斜坡并放玩具车测试,发现坡越陡车滑越快越远,知晓斜坡对运动的影响;在平面推拉有轮无轮物体,体会到轮子可减少摩擦;还用不同力推玩具车,感受力与运动关系,初步领悟力的概念。

The second graders built slopes with blocks and cardboard. They placed toy cars on the top to test the influence of the steepness of the slope on the movement of object. Comparing wheeled and non-wheeled objects moving, they realized wheels help reduce the friction. They understood the concepts and relationship of force and motion in doing above experiments.

Part 2:三年级探究“力”实验时,同学们亲身测试不同大小的力,所产生的运动距离。通过硬币在不同物品表面的滑动,测试摩擦力的大小。不同的实验,同学们了解了力的类型,分析力与运动之间的关系。通过实践同学们更多的了解了力这个抽象的概念。

When the third graders explored the "force" experiment, they personally tested the distances of motion generated by forces of different magnitudes. Through different experiments, students got to know the types of forces and analyzed the relationship between force and motion.

Part 3: 二年级观察沉浮现象,同学们把不同材料的物体放入水中,观察哪些下沉、哪些上浮,他们就能更直观地理解物体密度与浮力之间关系。

When the second graders observed the phenomenon of sinking and floating, they could understand the relationship between the density of objects and buoyancy.


Diversified scientific activities also cultivate students' various abilities. In each practical activity, students are required to design experimental steps, observe, record, and analyze experimental results, which help to cultivate their scientific literacy.

Part 1: 一年级探究光,同学们都能凭借敏锐的观察力,发现光的多少会影响人们看见物品的数量和清晰度。观察完毕,纷纷把自己的实验结果记录下来,然后对比总结,积极分享自己的实验报告。

When the first graders explored light, they all recorded their experimental results, analyzed and actively shared the experimental reports.

Part 2: 二年级同学们了解了物品的不同属性,并能根据物品的属性开展分类了解物品的用途,同学们更好的认知自然世界,锻炼思维能力。

The second graders explored the properties of objects and were able to sort out the objects. In the process of study, they perceived the natural world and built their thinking abilities.


Scientific activities encourage students to break through the shackles of conventional thinking, lead them to explore the knowledge, and be open to accept the challenges.

Part 1同学们学习论证过程中(Claim, Evidence, Reasoning),从生活中发现问题,提出自己的想法,通过实验证据,推理从而发现科学的奥妙。比如在实践”火山喷发”实验,同学们不仅仅要探究“不同量的苏打水倒进相同量的醋里面,哪一个烧杯里的火山喷发会更剧烈?还有的同学继续提出一些更具挑战性的问题“温度低的苏打水放进醋里面哪一个反应会更加强烈?”还有的同学们提出“加入盐的水和淡水哪一个先冰冻起来?”他们并把这些想法付诸实践,开展实验探究,完成探究报告并在班级里和大家分享。

When learning the process of argumentation (Claim, Evidence, Reasoning), students define the problems, put forward their claims, and through evidence and reasoning, they try to discover the mysteries of science. In the practice of the "volcanic eruption" experiment, students not only explore "Which beaker will the volcanic eruption be more violent?" Some students even proposed more challenging questions. They put these ideas into practice and complete the inquiry reports.



Classroom practical activities not only enable students to experience the fun of science, but also experience the failures and setbacks in experiments. In Science class, students have stepped into a wonderful world full of uncertainties and possibilities. It is expected that students will continue to reap the treasures of knowledge and wisdom.