智启未来 质领国际——SESID学子在牛津AQA 2024考季中再创佳绩
作者:王婉婷 来源:上海市实验学校 日期:2024-11-271465

智启未来 质领国际——SESID学子在牛津AQA 2024考季中再创佳绩


   20241122日,英国牛津AQA国际考试局在深圳成功举办了主题为“Leading Teaching in the 21st Century”(智启未来 质领国际)的年会。此次活动吸引了来自世界各地的教育专家与学者,共同探讨未来教育的创新与发展方向。上海市实验学校国际部考务俞艺伟老师和生物教师吴迪老师作为学校代表应邀出席。

On November 22, 2024, the Oxford AQA International Examinations Board successfully hosted its annual conference in Shenzhen, themed "Leading Teaching in the 21st Century." The event attracted education experts and scholars from around the globe to discuss innovation and future trends in education. Representing Shanghai Experimental School International Division (SESID), exam coordinator Ms. Yu Yiwei and Biology teacher Ms. Wu Di attended the conference.


   在会议中,牛津大学教授Caroline Terquem深入讲解了本科生专业选择与职业规划的重要性,分享了学术与实践结合的独到见解;同时,香港中文大学教授Yang Du结合研究和教学经验,分析了香港教育的特点与启示,为与会者带来了新思考。

During the event, Professor Caroline Terquem from Oxford University delivered an in-depth presentation on the significance of undergraduate major selection and career planning, offering unique insights into combining academic theory with practical application. Meanwhile, Professor Yang Du from The Chinese University of Hong Kong shared an analysis of Hong Kongs educational characteristics and implications, sparking fresh perspectives among attendees through their research and teaching experiences.


   在随后的Oxford AQA Go Further Awards颁奖典礼上,我校国际部学生表现出色,赢得荣誉。11A陈祖熠同学凭借扎实的学术能力获得了AS英语语言东亚最高分;10A郑羽淇同学则以优异成绩同时斩获IGCSE数学全球最高分和东亚最高分。这些卓越的成绩充分展现了我校国际化教育的教学质量和学生的全面发展潜力。

At the subsequent Oxford AQA Go Further Awards ceremony, SESID students excelled, winning prestigious accolades. Chen Zuyi from Class 11A earned the highest AS English Language score in East Asia thanks to her solid academic skills. Meanwhile, Zheng Yuqi from Class 10A achieved exceptional results, securing both the world’s highest score and East Asia’s highest score in IGCSE Mathematics. These outstanding achievements highlight the quality of SESID’s international education and the potential for students’ all-around development.



11A Chen Zuyi

Studying AS English Language challenged my stereotype of language learning. Before, I reduced language to its utilitarian function: speaking, listening, reading, and writing. It surprised me when I found myself learning power and relationship, child language acquisition, and gender disparities in AS English Language.

If I were to distill all my insights into a single realization, it is this: language is not merely a system of symbols but a living reflection of humanity itself. It embodies our collective history, aspirations, and cognition, shaping not just how we describe the world but how we experience it. To study language is to study the essence of being—how we connect, assert, and understand our place in the intricate tapestry of existence. As Ludwig Wittgenstein said: “The limits of my language mean the limits of my world,” language is constantly shaping cognition, which in turn shapes language. 

Finally, I would like to express my deep gratitude to my English teacher, Mr. William, whose unwavering support has been instrumental in my exploration of language. His guidance and encouragement have inspired me to delve deeper into the study of English Language, an area that I am passionate about and will continue to cultivate in the future.


10A Zheng Yuqi

I am truly delighted to have achieved top global and regional results in the AQA IG Maths exam. During my studies of IGCSE, I gradually developed a strong interest and passion for math, enjoying exploring the principles and essence behind the problems. When faced with difficult problems, I value the process of analyzing and solving them more than just the final answer. For me, math is not just an ordinary course, but also a good teacher that helps me train my thinking. As the saying goes, "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." Achieving good results in IG Math is just the starting point of my journey in math. In the A-level stage, I will continue to maintain this enthusiasm and work harder to make continuous progress in the world of math.




This conference provided a valuable learning opportunity for SESID educators while showcasing the schools strength and accomplishments in the field of international education. Moving forward, we remain committed to creating more pathways for students to step onto the global stage.