怡和奖学金(The Jardine Foundation)成立于1982年,由怡和集团设立的专项教育基金,用于资助亚洲杰出青年在牛津大学与剑桥大学(牛津剑桥的部分学院)完成其本科或硕士学业,旨在培养未来杰出领导者,更好地回馈社会。怡和教育信托基金向学生提供全额奖学金,足够支付学生在牛津、剑桥学习期间的学费与必要开支,折合人民币4年接近200万。每年,全亚洲仅10名同学能获得此项殊荣。
祝贺所有拿到Offer的国际部学子!相信还有一批Offer正在路上!为自己的Dream School奋勇拼搏,让世界看到优秀的你!
Founded in 2006, Shanghai Experimental School International Division (SESID) was authorized by Shanghai Education Commission to enroll students with foreign passports, with foreign permanent residences, and from Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan. As one of the schools for children of foreign personnel, SESID are deeply committed to the mission, ‘Build a world for the children; Prepare the children for the world’. SESID provides a challenging college prep curriculum for students who intend to study in universities in the UK, US, and all around the world.