Wish all a happy Halloween!
作者:陆慧敏 来源:上海市实验学校 日期:2010-11-032385

Wish all a happy Halloween!

On the morning of October 29, all the children and teachers in
Grade 2 attended our grade "Dress up as ghosts, Happy Halloween"
activity in our school Gym room, which is on the fifth floor. When
Ms Ye, the hostess announced the start of the activity, the whole
room was full of joy, everyone looked so happy and gay.

The first game is "Get the bench", each participant should grab
some room to sit down, they each tried their best to get the
opportunity to win, the audience shouted out “Come on” with one
voice, which made the whole room full of joy.

The second game “Bite the apple”, which is a face-to-face
contest between two kids.

Followed by the games "Eat the corn", Nine-nine counting,
"Mummy" etc, both the participants and the audiences appreciated
the games joyfully and cheerfully. the first one to bite the apple
will be the winner. Look! Elena was having that red apple in her
mouth, and she tastes it happily! How we envy her !

When the third game “Blow ping pang” started, all the players
went all out to blow the flour in the bowl floating all over, which
made everyone laughed and laughed crazily.
Our oral class teacher, Cassady, who played the guitar nicely,
which gave us a big surprise.
The grade Halloween games were over. But our school Halloween
activity "Trick or treat" continued……
Wish all a happy Halloween!