作者:张琦 来源:上海市实验学校 日期:2012-11-022573

本次教研活动,由两位青年教师在英语组集体备课的基础上,上了两堂研究课,四年级的李琼老师执教了《Five hundred years ago》,二年级的谢芸执教了《People at work》。课后,施老师对两堂课都作了详细点评,在对我们英语教师的基本素养给予较高评价的同时,也指出了教师在教学设计中应该注意的细节问题,并提出了具体而富有操作性的改进建议,让在座的老师都感到受益匪浅。评课后施老师还专门对国际部英语教师在教学中存在的一些困惑作了解答和经验分享,给予了英语教研组更清晰的工作思路和研讨方向。

Report on Our English teaching activity
In order to make English teaching more effective, we invite the
experienced researcher Ms Shi from Xuhui District to come to our school and
participate in our English teaching activities.
She observed two lessons “Five hundred years ago” and “People at
work” taught by two young teachers Michelle Lee and Joyce Xie
respectively. After that, she praised our teachers for qualified English
ability and gave us some helpful suggestions on teaching as well, which is
beneficial to us. She also answered questions in our teaching and shared
experience with us, providing us with useful information.
From this activity, we learnt a lot and we would try harder to advance
English teaching ability.