开拓视野 交流互鉴-------上实国际教师代表赴包玉刚学校参访
作者:钱晶蕊 来源:上海市实验学校 日期:2024-10-10371





















Broaden horizons, exchange ideas-------SESID Teacher Representatives Visited YK Pao School


On September 18, 2024, led by Principal Xu Hong and Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee Chen Hui, the administrative team of SESID visited YK Pao School for exchanges and were warmly received by Principal Xu Yongchu and her team of YK Pao School. We learned with an open mind during this visit, and also exchanged and discussed with YK Pao School’s leaders on teaching concepts and methods.


In the spacious and bright conference room, YK Pao School's principal introduced its innovative teaching concepts, rich curriculum settings and colorful student activities without reservation; then, accompanied by the leaders and teachers of YK Pao School, the campus tour began. The rebuilt teaching building is well-equipped and elegant, and each floor shows the school's unique educational philosophy and cultural atmosphere. It is particularly worth mentioning that the two spacious indoor activity venues and the swimming pool in the first-floor teaching building left a deep impression on everyone, which not only provided students with a good place for sports activities, but also reflected the school's emphasis on the all-round development of students.


After the visit, the two sides returned to the conference room and had an in-depth exchange of their respective school-running experiences and teaching concepts. At the same time, the teachers of the two schools took precious group photos on campus.


This visit is an important attempt at educational cooperation between the two schools, and it is also a witness to the common progress of both sides in the field of education. We look forward to promoting the sharing of educational resources and further broadening our horizons through such exchange activities, aiming to provide students with a richer and more diverse learning experience.


Text: Tang Jun

Editor: Qian Jingrui

Review: Fu Yun