做有温度的教育,让家校携手同行 ——上实国际部(浦西校区)2023学年第一学期家长会
作者:王晧 来源:上海市实验学校 日期:2023-09-289480


On September 15, 2023, in the warm lighting, SESID Puxi Campus held the Parents’ Meeting for the first semester of 2023 academic year. The parents’ meeting of each semester is like a traditional compulsory course, aimed at providing parents with the opportunity to understand and communicate about their children's education.


Parents watched Director Fu Yun's new semester speech. Director Fu, on behalf of the school, had a detailed exchange and sharing with parents about the requirements and development of the new semester, including various campus activities, campus decoration, logistics support, and shared the school's future plans from five aspects: curriculum, activities, evaluation, further education, and teaching staff.


Each teacher provided a detailed introduction to the teaching plan, learning objectives, and learning requirements of the subject, and sincerely communicated with parents on all aspects that needed their assistance. The foreign teachers also had in-depth interaction with parents, introduced the characteristics of the course. The homeroom teacher introduced the arrangement of the activities, class culture construction, and the cultivation of behavioral norms for this semester.


At the end of the Parents' Meeting, the school called on parents to actively participate in campus activities and children's learning, and accompany their children to take every step of their childhood well. The successful holding of the Parents' Meeting also marks the official start of a new academic year. Looking forward to working together from home and school in the future to witness the growth of children and achieve new heights together!


Education requires the joint efforts of schools and families. Schools look forward to working hand in hand with parents in the new academic year.
