回归美好校园,做快乐读书人——记2022学年第一学期开学典礼 Welcome Back Happy Readers
作者:王晧 来源:上海市实验学校 日期:2022-09-0515335


The campus of Shanghai Experimental School International Division, which has been silent for a long time, will be full of vitality from today!



Early on the first day of school, teachers welcomed the students at the school gate. The neat and powerful drum band played a new chapter in the new semester. The school has done a good job in temperature measurement and other work in strict accordance with the requirements of epidemic prevention and control. The students have left their signatures on the signature board, officially starting the new semester's study and life!



In the afternoon, the opening ceremony was held with the theme of "Welcome Back Happy Readers". The opening ceremony was presided over by Chen Yutong, Mao Xiaoyi, Qian Xinxin and Ling Jinyang from class 5 (1).



First of all, we welcomed the new students of grade one together. Let's know them together!


一(1)班 朱迪班 Judy Class

Judy Judy,所向披靡!


一(2)班 小新班 Crayon Class



一(3)班 米奇班 Micky Class




Mr Chen Hui, deputy secretary of the Party committee of Shanghai Experimental School, we further defined the objectives and direction of the new semester.




Three first year student representatives introduced themselves in Chinese, English and Japanese, and expressed their expectations for the new semester.



Due to the epidemic situation, we regret that we cannot invite all parents to attend the opening ceremony of the school. Parents' representatives of three classes in grade one came to the scene, and they sent wishes and blessings to the students in grade one.



We also invited Xie Shuwei's mother from class 5 (3). The new school year has begun. As the fifth grade parent representative, she shared with us a lot of experience in reading and learning.



In coordination with the activities of Reading Festival, Ms Xie brought many reading games to the students, so that the students could feel the warm-up atmosphere of the Reading Festival in advance.




Let's follow the autumn and paint a beautiful learning picture together!

Let's spread our wings and write a beautiful reading movement together!