很高兴遇见你 ——记2022学年新生入学培训
作者:王晧 来源:上海市实验学校 日期:2022-09-0510766



With hope and longing, with yearning and blessings, on August 31, 2022, the long silent campus gradually restored the laughter of the past. The teachers have made full preparations for this freshman training: cleaning the classroom, distributing new books, arranging epidemic prevention materials, preparing small gifts, etc. All the teachers' paid attention and care to ensure the safety and order of everything.


Accompanied by their parents, the first graders of SESID came to the campus in the morning. Although they all wore masks, we can still see their bright eyes full of curiosity about the school and expectations for primary school life. Look, they are coming!



The epidemic has not yet ended, and we have never slackened. All the teachers and staffs prepared well to ensure that the students can come to school safely. The first graders listened carefully to the instructions and followed the epidemic prevention requirements. The children quickly and accurately carried out their first PCR test in class.



In PE lesson, the children move quickly and the team is neat; In health class, the children learned how to do eye exercises, personal hygiene knowledge, and the use of epidemic prevention kits; In the music class, the children learned the school anthem; In the regular class, the children learned to place schoolbags, water glasses and some other personal items correctly.



After half-day training, the lunch time is coming. The children have expressed their love for the first meal on campus.




In addition, this freshman training has set up "little performance" and "little exhibition". At the performance, the children show their skills: tongue twister, violin, fancy basketball, singing, reciting ancient poems, etc; In the exhibition of calligraphy and painting works, children brought their own paintings or handicrafts.


Affected by the epidemic situation, although the freshman training was only one day long, the children were full of harvest and full of interest. Freshman training is the first step for children to enter a new stage of life, and also a new starting point. We wish all children happy growth in Shanghai Experimental School International Division.