跨学科融合,多维度体验 ——记SESID第十届科技节系列活动
作者:王晧 来源:上海市实验学校 日期:2021-12-2816599

My dream job科技小报创编

五年级英语学科结合我的航天梦系列活动开展以My Dream Job为主题的征文比赛。同学们的参与热情非常高,参赛作品也十分精彩。在多个航天科技系列活动影响下,同学们纷纷表示以后的理想工作是成为宇航员、天文学家,去探索宇宙的奥秘。本次征文比赛,不仅提高了同学们的英文写作水平,也为同学们大胆追逐梦想提供了很好的平台。

Fifth graders carried out an essay competition with the theme of my dream job in combination with my Aerospace dream activities. The students' enthusiasm was very high, and the works were also very wonderful. Under the influence of a series of science and technology activities, students mentioned that their ideal job in the future is to become astronauts and astronomers to explore the mysteries of the universe. This essay contest not only improves the students' English writing level, but also provides a good platform for students to boldly pursue their dreams. After judging, the winners of this essay competition are as follows:




Space Film VR Experience is coming! Before students put on VR glasses, homeroom teachers listed the precautions and did safety discipline education. During the activity, the students wore VR glasses one by one according to the teacher's instructions to experience the mystery of space. At the same time, teachers always paid attention to the safety and health of students, and disinfected each pair of glasses before students experienced. There were four short movies for them to choose. Students love it a lot!






Under the guidance of the homeroom teacher, each class has carefully and actively arranged wall papers related to science and technology topics. Let's take it look!