致敬奥运精神,逐梦崭新学年 记2021学年第一学期开学典礼
作者:王晧 来源:上海市实验学校 日期:2021-09-0224736

金色的九月,秋风送爽,阳光明媚。在这个收获的季节,在这美丽的日子里, 我们迎来了新学年,迎来了一年级的新生。今天,实验国际部迎宾小熊也一同欢迎各位大朋友、小朋友们的到来。

In September, the autumn wind is cool and the sun is bright. In this harvest season, we started the new school year and welcomed the first graders. Today, the SES welcome bears also welcomed all the students.


本届新一年级各班选择了以卡通形象命名,体现了一年级小朋友们的活泼可爱。一(1)班Pikachu,一(2)班Super Wings,一(3)班Unicorn。从各班的口号中可以看出老师们的期许,希望孩子们在上实国际部这个大家庭中快乐学习、健康成长、团结友爱。一年级的新生代表们分别用韩语、英语和中文表达了对新学期的期望。

The classes of the new first grade chose to be named after the cartoon image, which reflects their loveliness. Grade one Class One “Pikachu”, Grade one Class Two “Super wings”, Grade one Class Three “Unicorn”. From the slogans of each class, we can see the expectations of the teachers. They hope that the children will study happily, grow healthily, unite and love in the big family of SESID. The student representatives expressed their expectations for the new semester in Korean, English and Chinese.



The parents' representative sent wish bottles and blessings to each class, congratulated them on becoming a glorious primary school student, and hoped that they could gradually integrate into the new environment, learn new knowledge,  acquire new skills!



Deputy Secretary Chen first welcomed the new students of grade one. Their arrival injected new vitality and brought new vitality to the campus. Then, he shared the Olympic spirit through the theme of this school opening ceremony "paying tribute to the Olympic spirit and dream big in the new school year", and hoped that we could carry it forward in the new semester. The Olympic spirit embodies our desire to achieve a leap and stimulates our potential to keep pace with the times. Carrying forward the Olympic spirit is the driving force for us to promote our work and study, the courage to overcome difficulties and the confidence to meet success. In the new semester, let the Olympic spirit become a force for us to make progress!



Yuki's mom spoke as a parents' representative of other grades. She recalled the scene when she sent her first child to SESID five years ago, and was very glad of her choice. She said that although the campus of SESID is not the most luxurious, it is a school “with love in the heart and light in the eyes”.



After enjoying the gold medal winning moments and videos of the Tokyo Olympic Games, we felt the passion, enthusiasm and fighting spirit of the athletes.



At the relaxing game time, "Guess the Olympic Action", five representatives from each grade performed the Olympic actions, other students guessed. The scene was interesting and lively. The students' performance was vivid. Everyone enjoyed it!


Let's work hard in the new semester! Never give up, and strive towards the direction of "higher, faster and stronger"!