“跃运动、跃快乐” ——上实国际部(浦西校区)体育嘉年华开幕啦!
作者:王晧 来源:上海市实验学校 日期:2021-03-1813921

2021315日上午,上海市实验学校国际部(浦西校区)举办了第九届体育嘉年华开幕式。本届体育嘉年华响应学校体育节的号召以“跃运动 跃快乐”为主题,通过多彩多样的体育活动,丰富学生的课余活动,培养学生团结协作能力,在活动中增强团队意识,增强师生的身体素质,促进学生全面健康发展,创建和谐校园。全校师生凝心聚力,齐力同犇!

On March 15, 2021, we held the opening ceremony of Sports Carnival with the theme “Sports make us happy". With various PE activities, we could enrich students' extracurricular activities, cultivate cooperation, enhance teamwork, and strengthen their bodies. All the teachers and students are united and exercise together.


First of all, Director Fu announced the opening ceremony of Sports Carnival and held a trophy return ceremony. She hoped that each of our young athletes would carry forward the Olympic spirit of "faster, higher and stronger" in the various sports competitions and work hard.


Then the students of each class participated in different games. Thee sunshine is just right, and the competition is hot. In the game "turn the world around", the representatives of Grade 1 to Grade 5 had extraordinary skills which made the hula hoop rotate rhythmically around their waist. The most exciting thing is the "bull run" (relay race). The young runners are lively and full of enthusiasm. One girl continued to run hard even if she lost her shoes during the race. Finally, the ‘Tug of War’ competition pushed the opening ceremony of the sports festival to a climax, and the students reveled in the joy of sports.