G4-5| 劳动最光荣 Labor is the most glorious thing
作者:王晧 来源:上海市实验学校 日期:2020-11-1813984


Gorkya former Soviet Union writersaid that labor is the source of all joy and all good things in the world.


Even on our small campus, small changes happened. Every Thursday after lunch, the fourth and fifth graders appeared on time in classrooms or around the green belt of the campus. The fourth graders swept the floor or cleaned the dust in the STEM classroom, Art room, etc. The fifth graders cleaned up the trash in the green belt. They worked hard to make our campus cleaner and more beautiful!


In fact, every student on campus should be the creator of beauty. They should start from the chores such as tidying up the desk, cleaning every corner of the classroom and picking up the scraps of paper. We hope that students would develop the habit of labor, beautify the world with actions, and be proud of labor!