小小昆虫,大大学问 ——上实国际部第九届科技节系列活动之一“走进昆虫世界”讲座
作者:王晧 来源:上海市实验学校 日期:2019-10-247783





Last Friday, we had a lecture about insect world as one of the activities in the 9th Science and Technology Festival. It is our honor to invite Teacher Yin to visit and give us the lecture. He is a senior engineer at the Institute of Plant Physiology and Ecology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and director of the Shanghai Insect Museum, who led the students into the world of insects to explore the mysteries of insects.


Students from Grade 1 to Grade 3, gathered together at the lecture hall and listened very attentively. Mr. Yin first introduced insect star, Mantis by a picture of it with its sharp pinchers which aroused the children's interest. Then he used witty and humorous language to tell them more about mantis, combined with a vivid and beautiful picture of the mantis' physical characteristics, the function of the parts, the course of life and the contribution to human beings. The most surprising thing for the children is the documentary on the mantis predation. They did not expect such a small mantis can hunt small snakes, birds and so on!


Although the lecture is about 30 minutes, teacher Yin shared insects interesting stories by vivid pictures. He also led the students find the mystery of nature, so that they not only understand insects further, but also have more interest in insects. Students said that this lecture is lively and interesting, in which they learned a lot of knowledge about insects. We hope that they can observe more in life, think more, and find more wonderful things in nature!