作者:上海市实验学校管理员 来源:上海市实验学校 日期:2013-12-302368

"Good Morning and Happy Monday!

I'm sure everyone is very excited the weekend is over and we all get to be back at school!

Today is December 30th, which means Wednesday is January 1st- 2014. The start of the New Year in the western calendar.

Its a time for new things and new beginnings. We get to have new calendars. A whole new year of birthdays. We get another Halloween in 2014. We get another Christmas in 2014. Another Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter. And we get new chances to try to do things better.

In western countries during New years we make new promises called "New Years Resolutions." These are promises for ourselves to try and be better during the new year than you were last year since it's a new beginning and we can start over.

In the new year maybe you want to be nicer to your brothers or sisters. Maybe you want to get all A's in school in 2014. Or maybe you want to bring your English teachers presents everyday. Those are all good ideas for New Years resolutions.

Since Wednesday begins 2014 that also means school is half way over! After Chinese New Year vacation you only have one more school term to be the best student you can be! So as we move into finals and the next half of the school year, try to think of one way you can be a better student or a better friend in 2014.

Good luck with the end of the year tests! And Happy New Year!
