Happy Easter Day—实验小学部国际部复活节活动花絮
作者:黄文良 来源:上海市实验学校 日期:2014-04-182657

Hello everyone,nowadays is Eastertide. It means we are
doing a lot of activities. We have a lot of fun with my peers.
During every break and lunch time, my classmates and I stop in
front of the screens hanging in the hallway’s wall to watch the
Easter introduction Powerpoint. To celebrate the coming Easter,
we got together in the big hall and appreciated the festival
film Hop with laughing and giggling this Wednesday and Thursday.
Meanwhile, teachers leaded us to decorate our own Easter Eggs
with painting dots, silk ribbons and colorful sequins during
Arts Class and Foreign Teacher’ class.
  Today, we experienced the most exciting part—Egg Hunts! Our
foreign teachers picked 20 best eggs from all decorated eggs and
hide them in campus. The eggs scattered in flower beds, under
grass, under trash bin and between braches. Ten, nine……three two
one! Ready go! We ran, searched and stared everywhere. Our
teachers comment that we have enough quality to join in the army
for we are so good at discovering new clues. One by one, 19 eggs
have been found and every winner could exchange a chocolate egg
from foreign teacher. Yummy!There is still one egg left! We
repeatedly searched everywhere, but there is nothing. Miss Young
told us maybe the Easter Bunny found that egg and hide it some-
where. The good thing is that we are going to have an extra task
for next year. We are looking forward to that!
今天,我期待已久的“寻找彩蛋”活动开始了!外教老师从所有彩蛋精心挑选出了20个,Miss Young把它们悄悄地藏在校园里。有的藏在花坛里,有的埋伏在草丛里,有的被放在了垃圾桶底部,更有的在树丛的缝隙之间。Ten, nine……three two one! 随着倒计时,一声令下,我们奔跑着,找寻着,留意着每一处。老师评价我们非常适合做一名军人,因为我们的侦查能力实在是太强了。接二连三的,19个彩蛋被找到了,找到彩蛋地小朋友可以向外教换取巧克力蛋。真好吃!还剩一个彩蛋呢!我们地毯式地搜查了校园,但是一无所获。Miss Young告诉我们,一定是复活节小兔发现了这颗美丽的彩蛋并把它藏了起来。想到明年要找21个彩蛋,多出一个新任务,大家开始跃跃欲试了。我们已经不禁期待起明年的复活节了……