作者:上海市实验学校管理员 来源:上海市实验学校 日期:2014-05-152263

二(4) 班 权韵嘉
5月6日这天阳光灿烂, 早晨我们搭乘大巴士去青浦农场, 我们带了各种各样的午餐食品,饮料和零食,一路上欢声笑语, 不知不觉就到了青浦农场。
首先我们来到田里拔草,田野上杂草丛生,如果不拔掉就会影响植物的生长, 我们头顶烈日,卷起袖子象一个个小蜜蜂辛勤地工作着,当我们累得腰酸背疼的时候,意识到当农民是多么不容易。
最后我们洗手后在一栋房子里面一起吃午餐,真可惜没有在草地上野餐。我们吃着五花八门的东西,有米饭,面包,水饺,饼干,我们喝着葡萄汁,梨汁,矿泉水,我们与同学们互相分享自己的食物。                         我们度过了愉快而有意义的一天,我们在广阔的田野上奔跑,尖叫,大笑,也出现了哭的小插曲,在玩游戏时我抓到了二宝,可能我用的力气大了一些,把他弄哭了,他妈妈和老师们一起安慰他,我也去道歉了,他才破涕为笑。

Field Trip in QingPu Farm
Grade 2 Class 4 Angelina Quan
It was sunny on May 6, we went to QingPu Farm by school bus in the morning. We brought a lot of things such as food, water and snacks.
Firstly we went to the field and pulled up the weeds. There were a lot of weeds in the field, it will seriously affect the growth of plants if we don’t pull them up. We worked hard and learned that it’s not easy to be a farmer.
Secondly we went to see cows, there were four cows, we didn’t like cows and we didn’t play with them because the cows were too strong and in a bad temper, the little cow tried to attack us when we touched it.
Thirdly, we went to see the sheep, we liked the sheep, we played with the sheep, and we chased the sheep, the sheep were afraid of us, there was a rope around the sheep’s neck, when we pulled the rope we found that the sheep was strong too, the sheep ran fast, we ran after the sheep, and then we caught the sheep. We enjoyed playing with the gentle sheep.
Fourthly, we washed our hands and then we had the lunch in the house, unfortunately we didn’t have picnic on the grass, we ate cookies, bread, chocolates, rice, dumpling, and we drunk water, grape juice and pear juice, we shared ou