Thanksgiving 感恩节——第13周升旗仪式外教ryan发言
作者:黄文良 来源:上海市实验学校 日期:2014-11-242294

Nearly 400 years ago the first European settlers in America
had a lot to be thankful for. They had survived a dangerous
journey across the Atlantic Ocean. They had survived a harsh New
England winter. With the help of the local Wampanoag people
they had learned to plant crops in the poor soil. They were the
first of many to struggle for a better life in the New World.
Today Thanksgiving is celebrated in North America by both
the United States and Canada. Much like China’s Spring Festival,
Thanksgiving is a time for family. On Wednesday an estimated 46
million Americans will travel long distances to return home. On
Thursday Americans all over the world will be calling home to
celebrate with friends and family.
Thanksgiving is a time to remember how good life is. It is a
time to be thankful for all that you have. It’s a time for food,
friends, fun and most importantly family.
This year, take a moment to think of what you are thankful
for. Take the time to say thank you to those who help you.
Remember there are those who don’t have a warm place to sleep at
night. There are those who don’t have enough food to eat. There
are those who are not safe in their homes.
I am thankful for the sunshine. I am thankful for the rain.
I am thankful for baozi, and jiaozi, and noodles. I am thankful
for my family. I am thankful for my friends. I am thankful I
have a home. I am thankful I have food to eat. What are you
thankful for?