Halloween short story——第10周升旗仪式外教Gary老师发言
作者:黄文良 来源:上海市实验学校 日期:2017-10-313322

I have been asked to share a story about Halloween, but I
didn’t want to. What happened to me last year was so scary that I
didn’t want to think about it. But I will tell you now.
Last Halloween I was at my house and every time a child knocked
on my door they would say ‘Trick or Treat?’ and I would give them
some candy. I was having a nice evening, watching children in
beautiful costumes walking around on Halloween night.
Then I heard a knock, and I opened my door, two children were
standing in front of me, staring into my eyes. They didn’t say
anything. They were looking at me. I tried to give them candy and
said ‘Happy Halloween’ to them, but they didn’t say anything. They
just stared at me. I was scared.
These two children were not wearing a Halloween costume, they
were wearing SES school clothes, so I asked them “Why aren’t you
wearing a costume?”
I looked closer at the two children wearing SES school clothes
and my heart stopped, I was scared. They had big, long, sharp
teeth. Their skin was as white as snow, and their eyes were two big
black circles.
They both stared at me, and said together, “We are wearing a
Halloween costume. We are dressed as studentssssss.”
I was so scared, I closed my door.
Then ‘bang, bang, bang’, on my door. I was holding my door,
hoping they wouldn’t come in. ‘Bang, bang, bang’ on my door. I
started to cry. I was so scared.
And then suddenly, the banging stopped, and it was silent.
Scared, I opened my front door. The two children in SES clothes
were gone. There was a piece of paper on the floor. I looked at the
paper and it said ‘We need to go to school, we need to eat candy,
and we need to eat students’.
So, please be very careful. Are there any monsters in your
classroom today?
Happy Halloween